In Taastrup

This time as patron of the Brain Association, she attended the opening of StrokeLinjen. It took place in Taastrup. At the arrival she was welcomed by Birgitte Forchhammer, CEO of the Brain Association and National President for the the Brain Association, Tue Byskov Bøtkjær. The inauguration was part of World Stroke Day. StrokeLinjen is a brand new initiative, which works as a nationwide counseling and information service. It offers free counseling over the phone. What is also new, is a webside created as a univers sharing knowledge on how to prevent, treat and rehabilitate from a stroke. Both news, podcasts, films, etc. are part of this new univers. The Crown Princess also spoke to a man who had experienced a stroke and how he delt with the situation. She also witnessed the very first video call StrokeLinjen received. Counselor Maja Klamer Løhr answered the call from Casper Schørder. His wife has had a stroke and now he receives counseling from StrokeLinjen on how to be a relative to someone how has had a stroke.

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